We are infinite beings…
Union. Completeness. You are complete as is. You are balanced. You are being called to remember your soul’s purpose, your reason for being here at this moment in time. You seek partnerships from lack mindset when the reality is you are the inner union you desire. Love is all around us and within us.
Blessings are in over flow. There is a much truer vibration of love that we can experience in the “Beauty Way.” The Spirit within all of us is alive without all of you.
Together we grow. Together we thrive. In conscious community you will find solace, magic and Oneness. Look to your field for opportunities for new connections, never doubting the potency of the connection itself as energy.
Change is inevitable. Change is the only constant because we are always undergoing adaptation and evolution. Behold this as your truth and you shall find peace and beauty in all things, humans and experiences.
As above, so below. The macro is the micro. We understand the inherent complexity of life as one of constant transformation and the majesty in the formation of molecules, of syllables, of moments, of life, of episodes..
Light is within and without. Light is the ultraviolet truth of our human experience as connected to the Divine. The Light is our crystalline pillar connecting us to the Divine and you are Divine.
Fortune and Abundance are your birthright. Lucky is the one who is filled with the concept of infinite bliss. Infinite bliss is the ultimate abundance. Infinite bliss cannot be found in the objects of desire but in the connection One has to Source + Spirit.
A shift is happening because change is inevitable. You are letting go. You release that which no longer serves you. You transmute, you transcend.
Divine Timing. Everything that is happening to you is happening for you. You are in exactly the right place at the right time always. Universe has your back.
Nurturing positive relationships with the WORLD around you and with all facets of the SELF.